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The Room Block for HoodHoliday 2 is available. The hotel we are staying at is the Houston Hilton Post Oak location.  The link to reserve your room at the discounted rate under the “Holiday Season” promo code is below.


Quick Notes:


  • Two options to pick from under the “Holiday Season” room block: 1 Room with one King size bed, or 1 room 2 Queen size beds.


  • King Size Bed Pricing is $109 per night (if 2 ppl share this room thats $55 a night)


  • The 2 Queen Side Bed Pricing is $129 per night (if a group of 4 shares this room, thats $33 a night)


  • Parking is $19 a day, valet is available as well for a higher cost. ($30)


  • If you want a room next to the pool, on the third page while setting up your reservation, click on “Add Special Requests” then under the “Additional Comments” box, write that you would like to have a room next to the pool.


  • Lastly, the discounted prices for the “Holiday Season” room reservation are from 9/16-9/18, but have an extended grace period of September 14th as well. So if you plan on arriving a day or two earlier, you are still covered, just make sure you change the check-in date on the calendar when you are placing your reservation.


Any questions please contact me and I’ll be happy to assist you. Once you have completed your reservation please let me know. Thank you


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